Like many activities such as work or study, diagnostic assessments can now be carried out online. An assessment conducted online will be just as robust as an in-person assessment, will include a range of activities to help identify any specific learning difficulty that may be present and will be able to reach a diagnostic decision.
Having an assessment online has a number of advantages. For example, you don’t need to travel to see an assessor, you may be more comfortable in your own home and you will have access to your own refreshments.
Once we have confirmed a date for the remote assessment, you will be sent an agreement and background questionnaire to be completed and returned in advance of the test. On the day of the assessment, the specialist assessor will meet you online via Zoom.
Based upon the background information, attainment in tests and observations, the assessment will diagnose whether or not the client has dyslexia, resulting in a formal diagnosis. Even if there is insufficient evidence to support a diagnosis of dyslexia, you will receive a detailed report that provides information about the individual’s performance in areas assessed and outlines the strengths and areas for development. The report will make recommendations for supportive strategies and resources for use at home and within the classroom/university/work environment. Recommendations might include referrals to other professionals for further investigation.
Once you have contacted us to express an interest in an assessment, we will pass your details to an assessor. They will contact you to agree a time and date for the assessment (see below). They will also send you a background questionnaire and invoice for payment. The background information questionnaire will provide details of the remote assessment process and contain instructions for the assessment.
We request that the questionnaires are returned to us at least 24 hours prior to the assessment as they provide background information that will aid the diagnostic decision and guide the recommendations within the report.
24 hours prior to the assessment, the assessor will send you a link to the meeting.
A full assessment typically takes around two and a half hours, including breaks. It consists of a series of standardised tests that will highlight the client’s areas of strength and difficulty. Dyslexia assessments are not 'tests' that give a yes/no answer; they are focused on understanding an individual's abilities and finding positive ways forward. Areas covered are visual and verbal abilities, phonological awareness, working memory, processing speed, reading, writing, spelling and handwriting. Based upon the results of these assessments, along with background information that includes learning history and observations made, a full cognitive profile is obtained.
The assessor will be able to give you some immediate feedback at the end of the assessment. Within three weeks of the assessment you will be sent a password protected copy of the diagnostic report. Further feedback by phone, email or a remote meeting can be arranged if requested.
Send us a remote assessment enquiry and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
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